A condom does not cost much, which makes it special to think about how safe and reliable a condom actually is.
Prevent mistakes when using condoms
It’s something no one wants to experience: a mistake while using condoms. Unfortunately it’s very easy to make a mistake when you don’t use the condom correctly. And of course you’d like to prevent this. In this article we will talk more about this. Prevent making mistakes with condoms and make sure that you can enjoy each other in the heat of the moment.
How to use a condom correctly
A condom does not cost much, which makes it special to think about how safe and reliable a condom actually is. For less than a Euro you will have a great protection for you and your partner in terms of STD’s and unwanted pregnancies. If you don’t know yet how to use a condom correctly, it is advisable to read the instructions carefully before having sex. Because you don’t want to be finding out how to put on a condom in the heat of the moment. This article will also contain some useful tips.
The expiration date of the condom
Most of the condoms preservable for about five years from production date. On every condom package you will find the expiration date. When reaching for a condom, please pay attention to the date. You wouldn’t want to grab an old condom which has more risks of breaking. Did you know that when a condom is being kept in a wallet or in the glove compartment of a car, there is a bigger chance that the condom will expire much sooner than the actual expiration date? In these circumstances the condoms are extra fragile because of temperature change amongst other things. Please pay attention to this and exchange condoms sooner if you keep them in these places.
Arousing moments
It is always a good idea to have enough condoms available at any times. Especially when you know that the condoms are good for quite a long time you can buy many of them. At least the price won’t stop you! And everybody should know that you will have to use a new condom after every time you have sex. A condom should never be used twice! When you like something different from time to time, like anal, vaginal or oral sex, the best you could do is change the condom every time. Hygiene cannot be neglected when it comes to having sex, you will have to pay attention to this even in the heat of the moment. Condoms also have quite a short lifespan, after about 15 to 20 minutes rough sex it is a good idea to exchange the condom, to prevent it from tearing.
Double safety with two condoms a good idea?
Sometimes people think that it’s safer to use two condoms at the same time, especially when it is a bit rougher. But the opposite is actually true. This is very dangerous and should never be done! As to thin rubber areas are intensively rubbing against each other, the chance of one or both of them tearing is very high. Also the feeling for both man and woman will be less pleasant.
Make sure that the condom won’t leak
It is very important how the condoms are being stored. When they are in the glove compartment of the car, during very hot days, then these are far from ideal circumstances. This condom is best not to be used. It’s better to prevent bad things to happen. Be careful when unpacking a condom when you have sharp nails or are wearing rings. The sharpness of the nails or rings can damage the condom. Keeping the condom loose in your jean pocket is also not very smart. Sharp objects in your pocket could damage the condom. The expiration date of five years can only be guaranteed when the circumstances are optimal.
What to do with the condom after the male orgasm
When the man has ejaculated into the condom, it is advisable to retreat the penis with the condom from the vagina. When the penis softens, which is normal after ejaculating, the sperm could leak from it and then the condom use would have been useless. The condom could also get stuck in the vagina. Ideally the penis should be removed from the vagina when it’s still hard. Hold the condom with one hand while doing this.
Don’t wait too long with putting on a condom
It is of course very tempting to put on a condom shortly before ejaculating. However, it is very important to have the condom already at the moment of penetration. Firstly there is the pre-ejaculate which could also lead to a pregnancy, and second you would want to prevent all kinds of diseases such as HIV.
Smooth gliding is not only pleasant but also safest
Today’s generation of condoms mostly exists of latex. Latex is a natural rubber which is very strong. During the sex it is also being tested, especially when the vagina is not very wet or when you are thinking of anal penetration. In those situations it is advisable to use a lubricant. It makes the sex much more pleasant but it is also much safer. When the sex is rough, the condom could tear. Best is to use an original lubricant and no surrogate product such as face cream, olive oil, massage oil or other products which contain aromatic substances. This could possibly lead to the dissolving of the latex condom. An original lubricant is being produced with either a water or silicone base and can be used in combination with a condom. The producer of the lubricant will always state this on the package.
The right condom size?
It is sensible to use a condom that fits good for safety reasons, but it also makes the sex more pleasant. The disadvantage of a condom which is too tight is that the blood circulation into the penis can be negatively influenced. This could lead to the erection to fail. A condom that is too tight can aslo easily break. A condom which is too wide can easily slide off. Nowadays there are luckily a lot of different options in different sizes, so please be aware of this.
Less feeling when using a condom?
Many women and men have complained about feeling less when using a condom. Nowadays this is not a big problem anymore as the condoms are much thinner than they used to be. Still they are super strong, so this would be a great option. For this the ultra thin condoms were invented.
Editorial office, Health24.com